
Pagination script for jquery


A small script I wrote to do pagination, sorting and zebra-striping of a list.

As you can see we start of with a ;, in case some sloppy programmer forgot to add it to the end of his function. Than as a first, we set our namespace as the first thing to do as we don't want to pollute the global namespace. The function is being set as a revealing module pattern.

;var pagination = function () {

We start with an object literal named config to contain the common variables, stuff we use more than once. These variables are private to this function only...

	var config = {
		// default amount to be shown
		defAm : 15,
		// radio buttons for sorting
		sort : $('#sort input[type="radio"]'),
		sortFirst : $('#sort input[type="radio"]:first'),
		// several common classes
		hidden: 'hidden',
		sorted : 'sorted',
		active : 'active'

We than initiate the function, this is the only thing we make public at the end of this function.

	var init = function ( t ) {
		// check the first radio, just in case ( to avoid problems )
		// get the visible li's
		var amountSort = $( t +' li:visible').length;
		// go to the view function.
		// go and initialize the sorting function...
		// as a last thing we get and initiate the script to handle the history stuff.

We first start with hiding the list items that need not be shown, the next pages so to speak... When we have done that, we go and build the paging stuff..

	var view = function ( t,amountSort ) {
		// hide all of the li's other than the ones on the first page.
		$(t+' li').removeClass('even');
		$(t+' li:visible:even').addClass('even');
		// substract 1 to get the correct amount to be shown...
		$(t+' li:visible:gt('+(config.defAm-1)+')').addClass( config.hidden );
		// go to paging.

We build the paging stuff and make it work.

	var paging = function ( t,amountSort ) {
		// first we clean up all of the old pagination
		// we than get the amount of pages
		var nr = ((amountSort - ( amountSort % config.defAm ))/config.defAm)+1;
		// build the paging ul before the sort radiobuttons
		$('#sort').before('<ul class="pagination"></ul>');
		// loop through the pages, with the cool guy loop
		for ( var i = -1; ++i < nr;){
			// append a li with an a to the ul.pagination for each page
			// and fill it with the correct number
			$('ul.pagination').append('<li><a href="#">'+(i+1)+'</li');
		// make visible that there is an active page.
		$('ul.pagination li:first-child a').addClass( config.active);
		// if we click on a pagination link
		$('ul.pagination a').click( function (e) {
			// get the correct page to show
			// note the ,10) this makes sure we can't slip into octal mode...
			var link = parseInt( $(this).text(),10);
			showHide( t, link);
			// now we need to enable the back button...
			// we do this by setting the location for the hash tag plugin.
			window.location = window.location.toString().split('#')[0] + '#pagination' +link;
			// we stop the default action of the (fake) pagination link...
			return false;

This function is wat we use to do the showing and hiding. Note the nice and short :) jQuery selector at the bottom.

	var showHide = function (t,link) {
		// remove the active class
		$('ul.pagination li a').removeClass( config.active );
		// make the clicked one active
		$('ul.pagination li:nth-child('+(link)+') a').addClass( config.active );
		// show all of the li's
		$(t + ' li').removeClass( config.hidden );
		// hide all of the li's not on the correct 'page'
		// :) notice the nice and short jquery selector...
		// it's like this: t = the overall container list.
		// in there we find the li's without the class sorted = li:not(.sorted)
		// either before the number being calculated = :lt('+(link-1)*(config.defAm)+'),
		// note that the number comes from the object literal in config and is therefore easily altered.
		// or after that = '+t + ' li:not(.sorted):gt('+link*(config.defAm-1)+')')
		// and add a class to them...
		// this class also comes from config as I use it more than once..
		$(t+' li:not(.sorted):lt('+(link-1)*(config.defAm)+'), '+t+' li:not(.sorted):gt('+((link*config.defAm)-1)+')').addClass(config.hidden);
		console.log('lt = '+(link-1)*(config.defAm)+' | gt = '+(link*(config.defAm)))

Here we do the sorting, by checking a radio button, gettings it's value and using that to show list items with that class and hiding others.

	var sort = function ( t ) {
		// on change
		config.sort.change( function () {
			// remove all of the sorted and hidden classes, thus making all li's visible
			$(t+' li').removeClass( config.sorted );
			$(t+' li').removeClass( config.hidden );
			// get the value of the radio that is checked.
			var v = $(this).val();
			// if we selected a filtering option
			if( !(v == 'nofilter')){
				// hide all of the not chosen li's
				$(t+' li:not(.'+v+')').addClass( config.sorted );
			// go to the view function
			// the two arguments are the list and the amount of visible li's (before paging)
			view( t,$( t +' li:visible').length );

This small function utilize the hashchange plugin to make the back buttons work when we page through the pages

	var back = function (t) {
		$(window).bind( 'hashchange', function(e) {
			var hash = location.hash || '#pagination1';
			showHide( t, hash.split('pagination')[1]);
		//	alert('movement...');

Here we make the init function public.

	return {
		init: init

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