
Backlog management

agile scrum backlog

As I am a product owner now, I will write about different things.

today - the Backlog

The product backlog is the place where we keep the work we need to do. As it grows it is ever more difficult to manage. Here are some ideas to keep it manageable

The backlog is a prioritized store of work to be done on the product, but if we are to overcome its List form, then what shape should it take?

Folding burritos

The product backlog is the most important artifact in any product development company. How should we structure this critical artifact? Let’s look at six examples, while asking, “How can the product backlog help us drive development forward in the right direction?”


A well-prioritized agile backlog not only makes release and iteration planning easier, it broadcasts all the things your team intends to spend time on—including internal work that the customer will never notice. This helps set expectations with stakeholders and other teams, especially when they bring additional work to you, and makes engineering time a fixed asset.


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