
de Voorhoede


From today on, I am no longer a freelancer. Instead I founded (with my partners) a new company, de Voorhoede, focused solely on front end development. Just HTML, CSS and JavaScript development and no more. We won't be a 'full service' agency. We will just do one thing and we will do that well.

I had a great time freelancing, but I hope to have an even better time as a 'proper' entrepreneur. What we strive for is that we as front end developers will be able to join your team early in the development process, so that we can make a difference in the projects we do. As we start with some great developers, I am confident that we can offer quality to our clients.

So if you have a need for high quality frontend code, you should talk to us.

This adventure lasted about 9 months, we had a lot of fun and parted ways. If you want the whole story, buy me a couple of beers :)

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