
How to deliver a proper screenshot to your webdev


As a web developer I deal with lots of different people. Designers, back-end people, Project managers, traffic managers, sales and marketing people. This is nice, as I get lots of different views on how to make a proper website or application. Some nice, some ludicrous, but all of 'm teach me something. So different views I enjoy, but what I don't enjoy is the different ways in which they deliver me screenshots.

I mean seriously folks, do you really think that a screen shot pasted in a frigging powerpoint presentation or a word document makes your developer happy? I even got stuff in an excell file one time, believe it. The answer is ofcourse, NO.

If you see something amiss in your browser, please write down your browser version (and no, Internet Explorer won't do) and operating system (again, more than just windows) and paste a simple image in the mail you send me. If you don't know how to do that, here is how:

How to Take a Screenshot in Microsoft Windows

And while we're at it, here are a few pointer about how to report a bug:

Please report

And it will help if you stand up after sending this mail and walk to the developer to explain in person what is wrong in your opinion. (call if your not on site)

Together you can solve problems, not alone...

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